• Lets talk about “weight loss” series 2

    Lets talk about “weight loss” series 2

    Hello everyone, I hope we all enjoyed little bit of summer last week and the heat didn’t affect you too much. At my last blog we talked about how “weight” and bad fat tissue (aka dysfunctional adipose tissue or DAT) are different.

    At Kleyn Healthcare, we recognise the bias “weight” causes, and this is deep rooted. Even doctors like me have been subjected to many years of training which taught me to say overweight is bad.

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  • What is Prediabetes and What Can You Do About It?

    What is Prediabetes and What Can You Do About It?

    Prediabetes is a term that encompasses a few conditions that increase the risk of developing diabetes. 
    People generally do not have symptoms if they have the condition.
    However, people can develop symptoms if they become diabetic. 
    Prediabetes occurs when the blood sugar levels are higher than normal. High blood sugar levels increases the chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes. 

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  • Lets talk about “weight loss” series 1

    Lets talk about “weight loss” series 1

    As summer approaches, many of us start thinking about the extra weight we may have gained during the winter. Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial because our bodies don’t function well when we are under or overweight. While we've long understood the importance of weight, recent research reveals that Body Mass Index (BMI) isn't always a fair measure. For example, rugby players have high BMIs due to muscle mass, not fat. It's the fat, not the weight, that poses health risks. Excessive fat can lead to diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, certain cancers, low mood, anxiety, gallstones, and arthritis, significantly reducing life expectancy.

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  • Taking Charge with preventative healthcare

    Taking Charge with preventative healthcare

    In today's fast-paced world, keeping healthy is more important than ever. It’s your most important asset.  

    But what exactly is preventative healthcare, and why does it matter? Here is some information on how taking proactive steps to prevent ill health can help you be the best version of yourself. 

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  • Is there a place for Private Healthcare to thrive and support patients in England

    Is there a place for Private Healthcare to thrive and support patients in England


    In England, individuals have access to healthcare through both, the all inclusive  National Health Service (NHS) and also through a much smaller private healthcare service infrastructure.  This blog post aims to compare these two healthcare systems, focusing on factors such as waiting times, quality of care, and costs, to help readers make informed decisions about their healthcare options.

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